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Welcome to

hugging the homeless ministry

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” 

Proverbs 19:17




Hugging the Homeless is a group of friends spiritually led to share God's word and God's love to those who may be experiencing a hardship in life. 

When I think back to some of the most influential encounters in my life so many of them have been with the homeless. Each one has had so many admirable qualities that impacted me: faith, humbleness, hope, appreciation, kindness, gentleness and courage. I know no matter how I may have helped them, I was the one walking away with a heart full of blessing. 

We named our group after a particular moment in Louisville, Kentucky. When a humble homeless man approached me and felt the need the expose his belly to prove to me he wasn't armed and wouldn't hurt me. He only wanted to talk. It just broke my heart. Because for him to know to do that, means that most every other person prejudged him. 

During this chance encounter a co worker was on the phone over hearing. He passively remarked something to the effect of while he was working on the road, I was in Louisville hugging the homeless. 

So why not? During my travels that accompany my job, with the assistance of some amazing friends donating their time, talents and many gifts, after hours we will be visiting the nation's homeless to deliver love. Unbiased love. 
We will share Scriptures, gifts, and always a hug.

We do not seek any accolades for our efforts. The smiles we receive are thanks enough. But if you have any items that you'd like to share: Bibles, hotel soaps, toothbrushes, hats, scarves, gloves, etc.; your donations are always appreciated. 

If you want to volunteer to help us, let us know that too!
God Bless you!


BE inspired

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